Alicia Miller . 24 . Arbonne Independent Consultant .

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Story

Hi everyone! As of last night I became an Arbonne Independent Consultant and put through my first business order. I'm really grateful for my friend Elizabeth who showed me what this organization is truly about and for giving me the opportunity to better myself. Like most young adults my age I graduated university with a degree and some student debt with a vague idea of what I wanted to do. This past year I have applied to so many full time jobs and had interviews with no success of landing the job. Recently I was offered a position at an insurance company although I needed my general insurance license to be able to accept the position. I kept having these thoughts that insurance wasn't for me but continued to pursue this goal. I had tedious online training for five days where I never left my house and was committed to learning everything I needed to know. All I kept thinking was I didn't want to go back to my part-time job and this was all or nothing. I encountered many hurdles along the way which I probably should have took as a sign but since I'm stubborn I carried on.

I went to write my first test in Toronto and ended up with a 71 although I needed 75 to pass. I was really disappointed but figured I did pretty well for having only two weeks to learn everything about general insurance. I went to write again and ended up getting 70 which really upset me. I was sitting in the Eaton Centre after my test just feeling hopeless and that I dreaded going back to my part-time job. I literally didn't see any other option or what I could do to get past this because there weren't many new jobs being posted online that I could interview for. I was also told that I only had three chances to pass or I lost the job offer which didn't help at all. I went home and tried studying again for the following test but it was so hard because reading all these insurance notes made me sick and I kept thinking is this really what I want to do. But I carried on and wrote my test for the third time and got 74; I couldn't believe it and neither could my mom.

I was walking downtown to Union Station just crying and literally didn't care what people thought I was so upset; I couldn't believe what was happening this is not what I had had envisioned. I got on the train home by myself and just sat there staring at the scenery and wondering what to do next and where my life was headed. That's when my friend Elizabeth popped into my head and Arbonne (I was also missing my body gelee) and I thought maybe I should learn more about joining Arbonne since I love their products and literally have nothing to lose at this point. I was feeling so hopeless that I knew I needed to do something to change my life and literally did not care what anyone else thought. I needed something positive to put my energy into and thought that this could really help.

I'm excited to start this journey and will be posting some fun facts, interesting stories about myself, info about Arbonne products that I love and some cool before and after pictures. If you have any great stories to share, advice or questions feel free to comment or shoot me a message my contact info is on the right side.

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