Alicia Miller . 24 . Arbonne Independent Consultant .

Saturday, March 19, 2016

What's In Your Workout Supplements?

I just wanted to share something that happened to me recently. I started taking a fat burner along with my Arbonne pre-workout about a week and a half ago. I really noticed that I was sweating a lot more during my workouts and was feeling extra motivated which I loved. However, I noticed I wasn't sleeping well and was feeling more irritable. I ignored these signs because I was fixated on having "abs" this summer which is my most challenging muscle group. So this past week I was having a conversation with my mom about money and completely exploded. I was very angry for no reason and was feeling extremely paranoid. I was begging my sister to take me somewhere since I was not feeling comfortable at all. At one point I completely collapsed on the floor sobbing and needed help up because I had lost feeling in my arms and legs. My mom and sister tried to calm me down and then my dog was all over me licking my face and nipping at my hands to make sure I was alright. My dog really helped ground me in that situation since my paranoia was so bad. I realized that this whole thing probably had something to do with the fat burners I was taking since my body naturally has a hard time with too much caffeine. I went to see my doctor and my blood pressure was 153/123 which is extremely high. He was very concerned and told me that the caffeine and whatever else that was in there was messing with my head. Thankfully my blood pressure is now back to normal and I'm sleeping a lot better. I'm back in the gym and sticking to my Arbonne pre-workout since it's more natural and has never affected my body negatively like some other pre-workouts. It's not worth risking your health to get that "perfect body" and now more than ever I'm becoming aware of what's going in/on my body.

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